Chinese Sermons
为人父母的智慧 - 姚锡恩传道 - 9 May 2021 主日证道
在哪里找到真正的满足? 传道书 2:1-11 姚锡恩传道
你在寻找什么?- 传道书1:12-18 - 姚锡恩传道
为什么工作(传道书1:1-11) - 18 April 2021 主日证道 - 姚锡恩传道
Sins and Punishment, Genesis 3:6-24
The Fall, Genesis 2:18-25
Holy Family, Genesis 2:18-25
God the Creator, Genesis 1:1-19, 27-31
Holy Church, Ephesians 2:14-21
"The Transfiguration of Jesus" Matthew 17:1-9
"What Should We Worry About", Matthew 16:5-12
29/10/2017 - Chinese Service
15/10/2017 - "I Am The Good Shephard / Gate" Thess 1-18, 27-30
08/10/2017 - "I Am the Light of The World" (John 8:12-24)
Rev Dr Felix Chung
24/09/2017 - Gospel of Matthew, Damian Meeuwissen
17/09/2017 - "Jesus Gives New Life" (Matt 9:18-26)
10/09/2017 - "How To Become A Citizen of Heaven", (Matth 9:1-13)
"How To Become A Citizen of Heaven" (Matth 9:1-13)