+ Our God
When we come to believe and trust in Christ Jesus, our lives take on a different purpose and meaning. We no longer live primarily for ourselves. Instead, with God's grace and help, we strive to serve God and honour Him through our words, attitude, and actions.
+ The Church
The church is not a building made of bricks, stones, and mortar. The church is a group of Christians who profess faith in Christ Jesus. Christians, who are part of the church, serve God and others by using their gifts and abilities to obey the commission Christ gave us to "make disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ, from all nations".
+ Our Community
Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love God, and love our neighbour. We seek to love both God and our community by sharing our Christian hope (the message of Jesus Christ) with others, and by reaching our community through acts of service.
+ Our World
Jesus calls us to bring his message of faith to the broader world. Our church supports and sends out people who are called to be involved in this work.