+ Growing as a Christian
When a person comes to faith in Christ, they begin to grow in their understanding of who God is, what God has done, and what that means for them.
+ Ordinary Means of God's Grace
God communicates His extraordinary grace through simple and ordinary means. The way that we come to grow as Christians, by God's grace, is through the Bible taught and explained, the good news about Jesus Christ portrayed (in baptism and the Lord's Supper), prayer, and the fellowship/encouragement we have with other Christians.
+ The Bible
One way we grow as a Christian is through hearing the Bible taught and explained. We call this the 'sermon' or 'preaching'. When you visit you may see 'a baptism or the Lord's Supper may be celebrated'. Baptism and the Lord's Supper depict and represent the good news of Jesus (gospel).
We also grow by reading and studying the 'Bible' at home, or with other Christians.
+ Other Christians
We also grow in our faith by joining a community of other Christians (church). This group is here to support, encourage, and serve one another. The ordinary way we join the Christian church is through baptism.
+ Prayer
Prayer is speaking to God. When we pray we praise God for who He is, we thank Him for what He has done, and we confess our need for Him.