Morning Services
Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us God’s Word from 2 Timothy 3, ‘The Scripture of God alone’.
Chinese Service
Gerry Drew will be preaching at our Chinese Service.
Evening Service
Robert Koh will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 9, ‘Your opportunity for abundant
Sunday School
Recommences today. We thank God for our teachers and children.
Opportunities to serve
Would you like to get involved at Donvale, and serve, but you’re not sure how or where? Please check out the list of ‘Opportunities to serve’ in the foyer and hall. We encourage you to serve.
Duty Roster
Would you like to serve on the duty roster, helping with morning tea and welcoming? If you can help, please email the office.
Expression of Interest - Outing/Picnic
Glenville and Denis are organising an outing/picnic, tentatively on a Monday, Wednesday or Thursday on a date to be confirmed. Seniors, would you be interested to join them? If you are, please sign up in the foyer. Questions? Please speak to Denis or Glenville.