Morning services
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 19, “Judgement is coming”.
Chinese service
Damian Meeuwissen will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening service
Robert Koh will bring us the message from Acts 1, “Empowered to be Jesus’ witnesses”.
Sunday School
Is now in recess and will resume next Sunday July 23.
Salt and Light Mission
to the homeless in the city is in urgent need of the following for adults: Warm coats and jackets, warm hats, scarves, thermals, shoes -runners, boots or walking shoes, blankets, doonas, heavy duty carry bags, canvas bags or thick plastic bags (to replace thin plastic shopping bags currently used by some to hold their belongings). If you can help, please place donations in a carry bag and give to Heather at 10.30 am service or leave in a clearly marked bag near the piano in the hall. Thank you!