
January 21

Morning Service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from Ephesians 1:1-14, ‘Why have you been saved?’

Chinese Service

The Chinese worship service will be held in the Ministry Centre at 10.30 am. Invite your friends who speak Chinese. Rev Dr Felix Chung, the pastor of the Chinese Ministry will bring us God’s Word.

Evening Service

This evening we will watch a RC Sproul teaching DVD on ‘Confession’. The sermons for the next two weeks:
Jan 28—Lord’s Prayer Part 1
Feb 04—Lord’s Prayer Part 2

Sunday School

Sunday School will resume on Sunday the 4th of February. Please make sure that you have returned any enrolment forms before then (please check the pigeon holes). If you have a child who will be 3 years old before March 2018 and you would like them to join Sunday School, please contact Liz by Sunday the 28th of January. Please contact Liz if you have any questions or concerns.

Duty Roster

A big thank you to our faithful team of helpers. In order that they not be rostered on too many times, we need help with Welcoming  and Morning Tea. If you are able to do so, please sign up in

Alexandra Gardens

John and Bert have relinquished their roles in organising the monthly Alexandra Gardens service. We thank them for their faithful service over the years. We need two volunteers to take their place in order to keep this important ministry going. Is this an area of ministry you would like to serve in? If you are interested, please see Gerald or Clinton. You can call John or Bert to find out what is involved.