Morning Service
Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us the message from Hebrews 12, ‘The Lord disciplines
those whom He loves’.
Chinese Service
There will be a full Chinese worship service from January 7th in the Ministry Centre at 10.30 am. Invite your friends who speak Chinese. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated this morning and thereafter on the first of each month. Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring us God's Word. He is the pastor of the Chinese Ministry. Any enquiries about the Chinese Service, please see Rev Dr Felix Chung or Ms Imogen Chen.
Evening Service
This evening we will watch a RC Sproul teaching DVD on ‘How to pray’.
Over the next few weeks, we will continue with the sermon series:
Jan 14—Adoration
Jan 21—Confession
Jan 28—Lord’s Prayer Part 1
Feb 04—Lord’s Prayer Part 2
Sunday Night After Church (SNAC)
Join us following the evening service for a meal or cuppa at La Porchetta in Tunstall Square.
Sunday School
Parents, please check your pigeon holes for the Enrolment Form and return the completed form to the Sunday School Coordinator Liz.
Next Sunday
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will preach on being ‘people of expectation’ at the morning service.
In the evening, we will continue the DVD sermon series by RC Sproul, Adoration.
Duty Roster
We need help with Welcoming and morning tea. If you are able to do so, please sign up in the foyer or email the office.
Coins for Missions
If we could drop a $2 coin each week into the Coins for Mission box in the hall, this will go a long way in meeting the urgent needs of missionaries. Note, this giving is in addition to the regular giving to Missions.