Morning Services
Rev Jordan Born will bring us God’s Word from John 6, ‘Who Is: I AM: Exploring Jesus' I am Sayings’.
Chinese Service
Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word this morning.
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper.
Evening Service
Robert Koh will bring us the message from John 6, ‘Satisfied forever’.
Sunday School
There is no Sunday School today due to the long weekend.
Debt Reduction Sunday
18 November 2018
Our current PCV loan stood at $227,586.87 as at 30 September 2018, this amount is what is owed for the Ministry Centre works. The monthly repayments are $8,759 and so the Board is asking you to prayerfully consider making a donation to help reduce the loan quicker than budgeted. This will free up capacity to undertake other work or activities that may arise.
Donations can be made electronically to DPC’s No 1 bank account (BSB: 033 389 Account No: 255191) marked ‘Debt Reduction’ or by using the envelopes provided on 18 November.
Youth Group
Join us this Friday November 9 at 7.30 pm for a Pool Party at the home of Scott and Isobel. We rejoice with Laura and Natalie who will be baptised. May they grow in knowledge and grace of our Lord. Grade 6s, you are very welcome to join the Youth Group this term.
Operation Christmas Child
Thank you to all who participated in Operation Christmas Child. Your gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus. Any late boxes can be dropped into the church or rear of Mitcham Baptist Church, 8-12 Simla Street, Mitcham VIC 3132.
Pray for the safe arrival of the boxes to the children who will receive them, that they will have hope and know God's love in their lives.
Questions? Please speak to Chris.
Elders’ Meeting
Saturday November 10 @ 8 am.
Prayer Meeting
Saturday November 10 @ 7 am.
Christmas Dinner
Saturday 1 December 2018
Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. 2 course meal. Cost: Adults $16, Seniors & students $13, family of 2 adults and 2 primary school aged children $45. Extra children - $8 each, kids under 5 years, free.
Limited places! Tickets available today.
See Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).
Growing Families
Christmas Party
SAVE THE DATE—Sunday November 25th. Growing Families Christmas Party. Details to follow.
Belgrave Heights
Seniors Convention—16-18 Nov 2018
Psalms for Seniors.
Speaker: David Cook.Summer Convention—Fri 28 Dec 2018— Tues 1 Jan 2019
Journey Outward, Journey Forward
Flyers are available in the foyer.
Pray for students facing exams in the coming weeks; for them to work hard as to the Lord and to trust Him.
Uphold our missionaries, serving here and overseas. Pray for encouragement, good health and the Lord’s protection and provision in their lives.