Morning Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will preach on Genesis 34, ‘Rape, Repayment & Retaliation’.
10.30 am service: We warmly welcome family and friends of Tim and Yolanda who are here to witness the baptism of their children, Ana and Eliora.
Chinese Service
Gerry Drew will bring God’s Word this morning.
Evening Service
Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us God’s Word from Galatians 5, ‘Hungry for Honor’.
We extend a warm welcome to family and friends of Biju and Anita who are here for the baptism of their son, Jonathan. Please stay for supper after the service.
Sunday School
For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service.
Debt Reduction Sunday
Our current building loan for the Ministry Centre works is about $228 000 with a monthly repayment of about $8800. The Board asks that you prayerfully consider making a donation (in addition to your normal giving) to help reduce this loan quicker so that it will free up capacity to undertake other work or activities that may arise. Your gift can be made electronically to DPC’s No 1 bank account (BSB: 033 389 Account No: 255191) marked ‘Debt Reduction’ or by using the marked envelopes provided last week. More envelopes are available in the foyer.
Christmas Events @ DPC
Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23
Join us for our Carols Evening at 7.45 pm. Come early at 6 pm for free
sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting …
Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am
Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!
Growing Families
Christmas Party: November 25 at 1pm
Halliday Park, Mitcham. Food, games and family fun to be had! RSVP to Emily.
Open night with Rosie...
“Media to Movements”
Wednesday November 28,
from 7.30pm to 9.00pm @ DPC.
Please bring a small plate to share. Thanks!
DPC Christmas Dinner
Saturday 1 December 2018
Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. 2 course meal. Cost: Adults $16, Seniors & students $13, family of 2 adults and 2 primary school aged children $45. Extra children - $8 each, kids under 5 years, free.
Limited places! Tickets available today.
See Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).
Box Hill Kiosk/Outreach
Join a small group from our church to distribute tracts and talk to people about Jesus in Box Hill Central (near the ATMs) on Saturday December 8, from 10 am to about 3 or 4 pm.
Please pray for this outreach.
Board of Management
Wednesday November 21 at 7.30 pm.
Seniors Luncheon
Thursday November 22 at 12 noon in the church hall. Seniors welcome! Cost: $10. Please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.
Youth Group
Join us this Friday November 23 at 7.30 pm for fellowship and a study on ‘Talking to God’. Grade 6s, you are welcome to join us.
Prayer Meeting
Saturday Nov 24 at 7 am, Ministry Centre.
LinC Christmas Appeal
Due to logistics difficulty, this Christmas LinC is asking for cash donations which will be used to buy supermarket gift cards for the needy families instead of giving out hampers. If you would like to donate to LinC, please place your gift in an envelope marked “LinC Christmas” and place in the offering plates.
LinC Pantry
Pantry items needed: Tinned fish, breakfast cereal, school snacks, honey, jam (not marmalade), juice, oil, UHT full cream milk, pasta sauce, biscuits sweet and savoury, hand wash, shampoo and conditioner, men and ladies deodorants, tissues.
Can you help?
The Carpenter family is moving & they need help to pack, relocate and clean up. They are seeking a couple of friends to help:
When - first 2 weeks Jan 2019
Where - Nhulunbuy NT
Accommodation available.
If you can help, please contact the office.