Morning & Evening Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us the message from Matthew 18, ‘Receiving forgiveness obligates us to practise it!’
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Chinese Service
Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring God’s Word.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Evening Service
We extend a warm welcome to Rev Alasdair Paine who is the vicar in the church of Great St Andrew’s, Cambridge. He will bring us the message,
‘Why we need Jesus—from a surprising passage, Genesis 4:17-26’.
Sunday School
Sunday School is held concurrently with the 10.30 am service. Please note:
- we are currently at capacity in the Preschool class (3-4 year old) and cannot
accept any further enrolments till next year. - there will be no Sunday School on the long weekend (11th March)
- Sunday School/Church Picnic on Sunday March 18 at Halliday Park, Mitcham, from 1 pm.
Questions? Please contact Liz.
Easter Services
Good Friday Service (March 30) @ 9.30 am
Easter Sunday Service (April 1) @ 9.30 am
There will be no evening service on Easter Sunday. You are encouraged to attend the meeting at Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. We meet for a picnic tea at 5 pm near the café at the auditorium, followed by the meeting at 7 pm.
Easter Biscuit Bake
For many years DPC has been baking homemade biscuits at Easter for Victorian prisoners. Each prisoner will receive 10 homemade biscuits together with a card that explains the meaning of Easter. COULD YOU PLEASE HELP US SHOW THE PRISONERS THAT GOD LOVES THEM? Please see the notice board for details & place the biscuits in the box provided in the foyer on or before Sunday March 17, 10.30 am service. For more details, please speak to Chris.
Music Ministry
We need musicians and singers! Join our vibrant team! Please speak to Natalie or Arthur.
Youth Group
There is no meeting this Friday March 9 in view of the long weekend.
World Team
Last Sunday we welcomed speakers from World Team Australia. They are looking for volunteers who can assist with regular data entry, or website design/ updating &
Facebook management. If you can help please speak to Clinton.