
August 5

Morning Services

8:30am -  Rev. Peter Hastie, Principal of Presbyterian Theological College will bring his message from John 1 on “What Can Take Away My Sins. “
10:30 am - Dr. Arthur Hunt III, Professor of Communications & Public Speaking, University of Tennessee, Martin, US.  His message is from Romans 1, “An Unthankful World.”
Lord’s Supper - We will today celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the morning Services.

Chinese Service

Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word today. The Lord’s Supper will be celebrated this morning.

Evening Service

Randall Fairman is the SIM Global Director for Mission Engagement, and he will be speaking from 2 Cor 5: on “The Love of Christ Compels Us...”

Sunday School

Parents please remember to sign in and out on the attendance sheet.

College Sunday on Aug 5

Today, we  highlight the work of our theological college.  Offering  envelopes are available in the  foyer. If you want to bless the work of the College, you can place your offering in the plate today and also over the next few weeks.

Youth Group (DYG)

Term 3—Living for Christ
Calling all youth in grades from 7 to 12. Come and join us at Friday DYG. This term we are exploring various topics connected to working out what it means to live the Christian life. How do we know what choices to make in life?
Date: Friday August 10, 2018
Time: 7:30pm
Topic: “Coping With Family”
All welcome and hope to see you @ DYG!! Any questions? Please speak to Craig.