Morning Services
Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us God’s Word from Hebrews 2, “I have seen their oppression”
“Freedom Sunday”—This morning we join with over five thousand churches around the world to hear and pray for the work of International Justice Mission. We extend a warm welcome to Joyce Harris who will share with us about the work of IJM and also her work in helping those who have been rescued from slavery.
Chinese Service
Pastor Paul Li Tao will bring God’s Word this morning.
Evening Service
Rev Jordan Born will preach on Ruth 1, “A Tale of Two Women: Lessons in Ruth”.
Sunday School
Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays. We will resume for Term 4 on Sunday 14th October.
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 27th Sept 2018 @ 8 pm. Please make every effort to attend. Ministry leaders, please submit your report to the Session Clerk, Doug by Sept 16.
AGM Reports
The reports that will be considered at the AGM will be made available on request to all members today. To obtain a copy, speak to Iain after the 8:30am Service or Doug after the 10:30am Service.
Membership Classes
If you are a disciple of Christ and have been baptised, the elders encourage you to apply for membership. The membership classes are scheduled on all Sundays in October starting at 12.30pm for an hour. Please enrol through the membership form available. Details? Please speak to Biju, Iain or one of the pastors.
Offering Envelopes
To assist in the regular giving to the gospel ministry of the church, envelopes for the months of October, November & December are available in the church foyer. Please take a set.
In Recess
The Youth Group, Playgroup, ESL and Connect Groups are now in recess.
Prison Fellowship
Looking for a skilled accountant/bookkeeper to assist the Finance Manager. This vital volunteer role would ideally be 2 days/week, based at their Doncaster office. For more details, please contact Christine. See the notice board.