Morning Services
Rev Jordan Born will bring us God’s Word from Acts 2, ‘The Joy of Belonging’.
Chinese Service
Xien Yao will bring God’s Word this morning.
Evening Service
Pastor Craig Richardson will preach on Galatians 4, ‘Allegiance to Non-gods’.
Sunday School
For all primary-aged children at 10.30 am, at the Ministry Centre. Enquiries? Please speak to Liz.
Growing Families
Following the 10.30 am service. If you would like more details, please speak to Emily.
International Justice Mission
“Freedom Sunday” There are more people living in slavery right now than at any other time in the world’s history. On the 23rd of September we will join with over five thousand other churches around the world to hear about and pray for the work of IJM.
Our Daily Bread
There are copies of Our Daily Bread available in both English and Chinese versions, in the foyer. Please take a copy to help with your daily walk with the Lord.