
October 16

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will continue the sermon series on the letter of 1 John, “Chapter 1–  God wants us to be honest with Him”.

Sunday School is held during the 10.30 am service.

Chinese Service

Cameron Griffiths will continue the sermon series on the gospel of John - Chapter 13.

Evening Service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from Judges 19-21, “It’s Sodom all over again”.

Church Directory Contact Details

We need to check that we have your current contact details for the new Church Directory.  Please visit the table in the Morning Tea area after the service today.

Donvale Youth Group

If you are high-school age, join us at DYG for our new “Weekly Friday Night” from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Come along and have great fellowship with your fellow youth and leaders as we explore what Jesus preached through His parables. This Friday Oct 21 we will be looking at  “The Good Samaritan”. For more information, please speak to Cameron.

Transgender Issues

are confusing to many of us. How should we respond? What should we think? A statement was just approved by the PCV and we recommend it to you. Please check this out at the PCV's Church and Nation website: You will also find many other helpful articles here. You may also get a printed copy of the statement from the foyer.

Do you know

that LinC is able to help if you need emergency transport for hospital appointments etc or any other urgent service? For more information phone 9841 4025

Guitarists and Bass Players Wanted

...for our music ministry, across all services. Even if you could only play once a month, that would be a huge blessing. Interested? Please speak to Natalie or Andrew.