Morning Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will continue the sermon series on the letter of 1 John,
“Chapter 2—Three Tests for Assurance”.
Sunday School is held during the 10.30 am service.
Chinese Service
Jordan Brown will continue the sermon series on the gospel of John - Chapter 14.
Evening Service
Cameron Griffiths will bring us the message from Colossians 4, “Paul’s Post Script”.
Sunday Night After Church (SNAC): Join us right after the evening service for a meal
or cuppa at La Porchetta.
From The Elders
At the elders retreat in August, we discussed what we believe should be the core values of DPC. We wish to communicate this to the congregation, and will speak more about it at our AGM this Thursday Oct 27. We would like to have your feedback, and urge you to be present at the meeting. We have inserted in the newsletter this week, a paper on what we decided at the meeting. Please read it.
Church Directory Contact Details
We need to check that we have your
current contact details for the new Church
Directory. Please visit the table in the Morning Tea area after the service today.
Donvale Youth Group
We next meet on Friday Nov 4 for our DYG Dinner. For more details about the Youth Group, please speak to Cameron.
Please pray for students who are facing exams including those doing the VCE and uni exams.
DPC Library
New recommended book—"Stealing from a Child: The injustice of marriage equality" by David Van Gend, informs us about why the push for gay marriage is not helpful for children and society. Check it out at our library.
New Duty Roster is Out
Copies are available in the foyer. A big “Thank You” to all who serve on the roster, serving God and blessing our Donvale family with your service. If you would like to help, please sign up in the foyer or contact the office.
LinC News
- LinC can help … if you need emergency transport for hospital appointments or any other urgent service. For more information contact the office.
- LinC Christmas hampers ...we have started collecting items for the hampers and would like to include the following: shortbread, cake, mince pies, small puddings, bonbons, nuts & snacks. Please place your donations in the LinC basket in the foyer. Thank you for your support.