
November 6

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will continue the sermon series on the letter of 1 John, “Chapter 2-Are you growing spiritually?”

We look forward to Terry Coleman sharing with us at the morning services.

Sunday School runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service.

Chinese Service

Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the gospel of John - Chapter 15.

Evening Service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Matthew 14, “Have you received what Jesus gives?”

Church Directory LAST WEEKS!

This is your last chance to sign your permission to have your details printed in our new church directory. Please see Cameron this morning!

Donvale Youth Group

We meet this Friday Nov 11 to study the parable of the Fig Tree. For more details about the Youth Group, please speak to Cameron.

PYV Summer Camp 16/17

Tues Dec 27—Sun Jan 1 at Rawson Village.
For youth aged 12-21 years.
See promo card in the foyer for details or email

Duty Roster

If you would like to help with Welcoming and/or Morning Tea, please contact the office.

Handel's Oratoria (Messiah)

Renowned Australian tenor David Hobson joins with Camberwell Chorale & Camerata Orchestra for this performance of Handel’s oratorio at Hawthorn Arts Centre, Sunday November 13, 2.30 pm.
Visit or see the notice board for details.

Linc News

LinC is in need of items to stock up for their pantry and the Christmas hampers. Please see the notice board for more details. Thank you for your support, helping those in need in our community.

Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Supporting the Barnabas Fund Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Let us pray for Christians in persecuted countries:

  • to know God's grace, help, presence and provision.
  • to persevere in trusting God in the face of trials.
  • to grow in godliness through them.
  • for God to grow His church through their witness