Morning service
This is a Special Service with items from the pre-schoolers to Grade 3, Sunday School choir leading the carols, book presentation & Year 6 Graduation, and bible readings.
Cameron Griffiths will bring us God’s Word from Luke 2, “An unexpected Christmas”.
We thank the Sunday School for their magnificent efforts and enthusiasm, Liz (Sunday School Coordinator) and teachers. Pray for the children to know our Lord and to grow in love and faith.
Chinese service
Gerry Drew will preach on Luke 2, the birth of Jesus and the visit of shepherds.
Evening service
Cameron Griffiths is being licenced by the presbytery to preach the Gospel and pastor the congregation at Croydon Hills PC in 2017. Please come & support Cameron by your attendance.
A warm welcome to members of the Presbytery who are here with us this evening.
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from Matthew 16, “Would you deny yourself?”
Church/ESL Sports afternoon
Join the ESL folk for a BBQ lunch and sports TODAY at 12.30 pm, DISC. Questions? See Dave.
Donvale Youth Group
DYG Camping trip to Shoreham next weekend ( Dec 16 –18). Chill out on the beach. Relax, enjoy, have fun… Cost: $35. Your friends are welcome! Details? Speak to Cameron.
Christmas Events at DPC
Christmas Carols
Friday Dec 23 at 7.45 pm. Sausage sizzle at 7 pm.
Glow sticks will be provided.
Christmas Day Service at 9.30 am
Invite your family & friends to our Christmas events!
Fellow Workers—Position Vacant
Seeking a Writer and a Photographer. If you are
interested, please contact the office.
Special Service Times in January 2017
One morning service at 9.30 am & evening service at 6.30 pm.
Note: no evening service on January 1.
Evening service in January—we’ll watch a DVD series on Generosity,
“How God’s Radical Grace makes Us Givers” by Timothy Keller.