
December 4

Morning Services

Rev Clinton Le Page will continue the sermon series on the letter of 1 John, “Chapter 3—We should love one another”.

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper this morning.
Sunday School is held concurrently with the 10.30 am service.

Chinese Service

Robert Koh will preach on Luke 1, the visit of Gabriel to Mary.

Evening Service

Cameron Griffiths will bring us God’s Word from John 13, “Love and let love”.

Next Sunday December 11

Combined Morning Service at 9.30 am. 
Special Sunday School End-of-Year Presentation.
Evening Service is held at the normal time of 6.30 pm.

Donvale Youth Group

DYG Camping trip to Shoreham (16 -18th December). What better way to end the year than a camping trip with friends? Come and join us as we relax together on the beach. Cost: $35. Your friends are welcome! Questions? Speak to Cameron.

Special Service Times in January 2017

One morning service at 9.30 am & evening service at 6.30 pm. 
Evening service in January—we’ll watch a DVD series on Generosity, “How God’s Radical Grace makes Us Givers” by Timothy Keller.


Donations for their Christmas hampers are appreciated. Also, appreciated are donations for their pantry—cereal, honey, vegemite, jam, rice, UHT milk, tea, coffee, milo, fruit juice, 
toilet rolls & laundry powder.