Morning Services: Cameron Griffiths will bring us the message from Philippians 1, “Winning at Life”.
At the 8.30 am service we have an adult baptism (John Luo), followed by an infant baptism (Joshua, son of John and Grace). We welcome their family and friends who are here to witness their baptisms.
At the 10.30 am service, we also extend a warm welcome to family and friends of Matt and Kathryn Pennycuick who are with us to witness the baptism of their son, Edward.
Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays and will resume on October 9.
Chinese Service: Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the gospel of John - Chapter 12.
Evening Service: Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Judges 17 & 18, “Who do you worship?”
We need to check that we have your current contact details for the new Church Directory. Please visit the table in the Morning Tea area after the service today.
DYG is now in recess over the school holidays. We begin term 4 with a new format on the 14th October.
Stay tuned for more details. More info? Speak to Cameron Griffiths.
DYG Mildura Mission: Please pray for the young people who are in Mildura this week (19th - 25th Sept) to help run a holiday club.
Connect Groups: All connect groups are in recess and will resume in the week commencing October 3.
Gerald’s new email: Please note that the alphalink address is no longer in operation. To email Gerald, please use geraldmv at tpg dot com dot au or geraldvanderwert at gmail dot com.
Thank You: The pastors would like to thank those who helped with the meals and in so many other ways to make last Friday’s Heaven Dinner a success. A special thanks to the musicians too. And to you for your prayers. Continue to pray for the non-Christians who attended, that they may come to know the Lord and have the assurance that heaven is their eternal home.
Thank you: Heather Maddocks and family wish to thank everyone in church for their prayers and comfort on the sad loss of her husband, Len.
Thank you: To all who participated in Operation Christmas Child, sharing God’s love in a tangible way with the underprivileged children.
Invitation to Daniel Dixon's ordination and induction: Daniel and Melissa used to attend DPC. At 2.30pm on Sat 24th Sept Daniel will be ordained as a Minister and inducted as the pastor at Williamstown Presbyterian Church. The service will be held there at 87 Cecil Street, Williamstown. All are invited to attend and stay for the following afternoon tea.
Offering Envelopes: To assist with regular giving to the ministries of the church, envelopes for October, November & December are now available in the foyer.
Can you help? - A missionary family (John and Kara) will be returning from Vanuatu with their 2 children to Australia, and are looking for a place to rent (somewhere in Melbourne) for the first half of next year. If you can help or know of anything please let the church office know. Thank you.