
September 25, 2016

Morning Services: Rev Gerald Vanderwert will commence a sermon series on the letter of 1 John. This morning he will bring us the message from 1 John 1, “Make sure you got the real deal”.

Ken Lim will share with us at our Mission Spot. Ken serves with FOCUS Monash Uni.

Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays and will resume on October 9.

Chinese Service: Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the letter of John - Chapter 12.

Evening Service: Ken Lim will bring us God’s Word from Job 1 & 2, “Why do we fear God?”

Donvale Youth Group is now in recess over the school holidays. We begin term 4 with a new format on the 14th October. Stay tuned for more details. More info? Speak to Cameron Griffiths.

DYG MILDURA MISSION: Please pray for the young people who are returning from Mildura today.

Daylight Saving commences next Sunday October 2. Don’t forget to put your clock forward one hour before you go to bed this Saturday.

In Recess for the holidays...
Connect Groups: resume in the week commencing October 3.
ESL: resumes on October 4 at 7 pm.
Friday Prayer meeting: resumes on  October 7.
Saturday prayer meeting: resumes on October 15.

Operation Christmas Child: The last date for returning the Christmas Boxes has been extended to next Sunday October 2.

Offering Envelopes: To assist with regular giving to the gospel work of the church, envelopes for October, November & December are now available in the foyer.

Church directory Contact details: We need to check that we have your current contact details for the new Church Directory. 
Please visit the table in the Morning Tea area after the service today.