Morning Services
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 15, “How can I know God is committed to His promises?”
Sunday School is in recess for the school holidays.
Chinese Service
Robert Koh will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening Service
Damian Meeuwissen will bring us the message from Psalm 22, “The Cry of Christ becomes the Praise of the World”.
This evening, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Guess Who's Comign for Lunch?
Sunday May 7
A great opportunity to get to know each other. You decide if you want to be the host or guest. Everyone brings a plate to share. For more details, see the flyer. Questions? See Janet or Mairi.
LINC Pantry
These items are urgently needed:
rice, oil, juice, laundry powder, milo, toothbrushes, deodorant, tissues, pasta sauce & toilet paper. Thank you for your support of LinC, helping those in need in our community.
Can You Help?
We are looking for volunteers (whenever you can help) to tidy our property by sweeping & clearing the leaves. If you can help, please see Gerald or Clinton.