Morning Services
Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us God’s Word from Luke 11, “Praying with Importunity”.
Sunday School is in recess for the school holidays.
Chinese Service
Rev Clinton Le Page will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening Service
Jordan Brown will bring us the message from Ephesians 4, “Are we One, or are we Many?”
SNAC (Sunday Night After Church)
Join us right after the evening service
tonight for a meal or cuppa at Doncaster Pancake Parlour.
World Team Australia
Looking for a volunteer bookkeeper. Time required—up to 6 hours per month. If you can help, please see Clinton. For more details, see the notice board.
LINC Pantry
These items are urgently needed:
Rice, Oil, Juice, Laundry powder, Milo, Toothbrushes, Deodorant, Tissues, Tin Tomato, Sugar, Tomato sauce, Foil, Cling wrap, Shampoo and Conditioner, and Hand soap. Please place your
donations in the LinC basket in the foyer. Thank you for your support