
May 14

Morning services

Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us God’s Word from Luke 11, ’Praying with Importunity—Part 2’.

Chinese service

Damian Meeuwissen will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evening service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 2, ‘Why won’t my friend
come to Jesus?’

Sunday School

… is held during the 10.30 am service.

Mothers, you are warmly invited to “Be Our Guest” for our Mother’s Day celebrations after the Children’s Talk today at the Ministry Centre. We will have a group discussion on our favourite
go-to’ recipe before sharing a morning tea prepared by the children. We will finish at 12 pm. There will be no sign-in sheet as we hope all of our mothers/aunts/grandmas/caregivers will be joining us. See you there!

From the Board ...

DPC Necessitous Circumstances Fund

The Church has recently had approval to set up of a fund to support those in necessitous
circumstances, i.e for the relief of people who are in serious financial need. The ATO has
approved this fund as a deductible gift recipient (DGR). Therefore donating to this new bank account (Donvale Presbyterian Church-Assistance Fund; BSB: 033-389; Account number: 313451) can be treated as tax deduction and all donations made will receive a receipt for tax purposes. For details on how to donate and to ensure you receive a tax receipt, speak to Iain, Reggie or Scott

Led Sign

The Board has given approval for a LED sign to replace the existing one, and this was made possible through a gift which covers this cost. The sign will enable us to highlight upcoming events in our church and/or place scripture texts on it. We thank Gary for initiating this new sign.

Morning Tea

We need two helpers for the 10.30 am morning tea on July 30. Please email the office if you are able to help. Thanks!

Prison Fellowship Easter Bake

Over 70 000 biscuits were given to the prisoners during Easter. Thank you so much for your support. See the notice board for details.

Entertainment Books

...are available on sale at $70 each in the church hall today, in support of the chaplaincy work at Melba Secondary College. For more details, please see the notice board or speak to Chris or Ian.