
May 21

Morning services

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 17, ‘Is your heart circumcised?’

Chinese service

Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evening service

Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us the message from James 1, ‘Praying for Wisdom’.

Sunday School

… is held during the 10.30 am service. Parents, please remember to sign in and out on the attendance sheet.

Holiday Club

ATTENTION all Holiday club 2017 Leaders & Helpers! There is a meeting Sunday, 21 May @ the Ministry Centre, 12.30pm, after the 10.30 am service. It is essential that all program volunteers attend. A light snack will be provided. Please contact Melanie with any queries.

Morning Tea

We need two helpers for the 10.30 am morning tea on July 30. Please email the office if you are able to help. Thanks!

Entertainment Books

...are available for sale at $70 each - of which $14 goes to support the Chaplain at Melba
Secondary College. If you wish to purchase a book/membership please speak to Chris or Ian.