
July 30

Morning services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Esther 6,”What a difference a night makes”

Chinese service

Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evening service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 5, “Longing for Heaven”. SNAC— Supper at the home of the Pennycuick's. All welcome.

Sunday School

Parents, please remember to sign in and out on the attendance sheet. For any queries, please speak to the Sunday School Co-ordinator, Liz. Contact details overleaf. Pray for the Sunday School—teachers and children.

Connect Groups

All Connect Groups have recommenced. Group meets for Bible Study, prayer, fellowship and support for each other. There are groups meeting throughout the week. If you are not in a Group and would like to join one, please see Gerald or Clinton.

ESL every Tuesday

Term 3 has commenced. Every Tuesday @ 7 pm. Any queries please see Noelle.

Lord's Supper

DPC Morning Services will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper next Sunday August 6.

Church Debt Reduction Suday

The Board of Management thank God and the congregation for the gifts totalling $7,785.00 for the reduction of the Church’s Debt. Envelopes are still available in the foyer if you would like to contribute to this Special offering for this year.

Coins For Missions

If we could drop a $2 coin each week into the Coins for Mission box (located in the church hall), this will go a long way in meeting the urgent needs of missionaries. Note, this giving is in addition to the regular giving to the Mission.

Lost Property

There is a pile of lost items in the Lost Property Box in the church hall, near the piano. Please check this out. All unclaimed items will be donated to the op shop. Please check as soon as possible as we will be donating unclaimed items soon.

Storage Room

We are tidying up the storage room (in Cameron’s old office). If there is anything of yours stored there, please advise Jim, if it is still needed for future use. Appreciate your assistance in helping with this clean up project.

Duty Roster

The new duty roster is out. A big thank you to the team of wonderful helpers . More helpers required for morning tea and welcoming. If you can help even on a “stand-by” basis, please email the office.

Greece Study Tour in May 2018

If you are interested to join the study tour led by Gerald to Greece in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, with an optional extension to Malta from 5th—20th May (25th May) 2018, please contact Gerald.