
August 6

Morning services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Esther 7,“Pride goes before destruction”. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper this morning.

Chinese service

Jordan Brown will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evening service

We extend a warm welcome to Colin & Alison who will share with us about their work in Mildura and beyond. Colin will also bring us the message from John 9, “Sight Given Not

Sunday School Classes

Run concurrently with the 10.30 am service. If you would like your child to attend Sunday School, please speak to our Sunday School Co-ordinator, Liz.

Connect Groups

Meet through the week in various locations. If you would like to join one, please see Gerald.

ESL Classes

Tuesday @ 7 pm. Any queries, please see Noelle.

Linc Pantry

Current Needs: tissues, pasta sauce, savoury biscuits, juice, toothbrushes, coffee, milo, tinned spaghetti, laundry powder, cereal, packet meals, cup-a-soup packets, honey, cake mix, deodorant, hand wash, cooking oil, shampoo and conditioner. Thank you!

Salt and Light Mission

A Christian ministry to homeless people in Melbourne is in need of warm clothes (especially for men) and blankets. Donated items can be left in the box in the hall. Questions? Please speak to Heather. Thank you!

Lost Property

This is the last week to check the Lost Property Box in the hall. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity.