Morning services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Mark 12, “Abuse and murder in a vineyard”.
This morning we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Chinese service
Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening service
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 6, “A life of hardships and
hard calls”.
Sunday School Classes
Today is a ‘non-curriculum’ Sunday and we will be doing something special for Father’s Day. This topic is not part of the usual curriculum and parents, you are welcome (as you are every week) to keep your children with you in the service if you prefer.
ESL Classes
Tuesday at 7 pm, DPC. Details? Speak to Noelle.
Operation Christmas Child
(20th August- 17th September)
Every Christmas shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus. Please fill a shoebox. For details, visit If you do not wish to fill one but would like to donate items, please place them in the box in the foyer. Or you can donate money to help cover the cost of delivery (place it in a marked envelope in the offering plate). Details? Speak to Jessica or Susie.