Morning services
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 22, ‘Giving up what is most precious’.
Chinese service
Jordan Brown will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening service
Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us the message from James 4, ‘Prayer and the Problem of
Sunday School Classes
Today is our last week of Sunday School for Term 3. Sunday School will resume for Term 4 on Sunday the 15th of October.
Operation Christmas Child
Would you like to touch a child's heart and share the love of Jesus? Please fill a shoebox and return it by Sept 24 For details, visit If you do not wish to fill one but would like to donate items, please place them in the box in the foyer. Or you can donate money to help cover the cost of delivery (place it in a marked envelope in the offering plate). Questions? Speak to Jessica or Susie.