Morning Service
Rev Dr Tony Bird will bring us God’s Word from Romans 11, ‘The glory of God alone’.
Chinese Service
Rev Dr Felix Chung will be preaching at our Chinese service.
Evening Service
Damian Meeuwissen will bring us the message from Hebrews 12, ‘Running the Race’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
SNAC (Sunday Night After Church) - Join us right after the evening service for a meal or cuppa at La Porchetta in Tunstall Square.
Sunday School
Now in recess for the school holidays, and will resume on October 15.
In Recess
The Youth Group, Connect Groups Playgroup, ESL Classes and Prayer Meetings are in recess for the school holidays.
Offering Envelopes
To assist in the regular giving to the Gospel Ministry of the church, envelopes for the months of October, November and December are available in the foyer.
You may also give through electronic bank transfer.
Opportunities to serve
Would you like to get involved at Donvale, and serve, but you’re not sure how or where? Please check out the list of ‘Opportunities to serve’ in the foyer and hall. We encourage you to serve.
Help needed!
ESL Ministry
Would you like to be involved as a teacher or helper in the classroom? Help is also needed for supper. Please contact Noelle.
Duty Roster
Would you like to serve on the duty roster, helping with morning tea and welcoming? Please email the office.
Music Ministry
Do you play a musical instrument? Would you like to lead in singing? Do you want to help at the Audio-visual Desk (training provided)? Please see Natalie.
LinC Pantry Needs
Rice and glad wrap. Thank you for your support.