
September 24

Morning Service

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Luke 18, ‘Making it through times that
are a challenge to faith’.

Chinese Service

Damian Meeuwissen will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.

Evening Service

Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 8, ‘Grace that leads to

You are invited to stay back for supper following the service.

Mission Spot

Jim Sterrey will share with us at all the services about his mission trip.

Sunday School

Now in recess for the school holidays, and will resume on October 15.

Next Sunday

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper at the evening service.

ESL Ministry

In recess now. Term 4 classes will recommence 10th Oct @ 7pm.  It will be normal classes, and then a Christmas dinner celebration on the 5th Dec.
Those wishing to be involved next year as teachers or helpers, please contact Noelle.

In Recess

The Youth Group, Connect Groups Playgroup, ESL Classes and Prayer Meetings are in recess for the school holidays.

Opportunities to Serve

Would you like to get involved at Donvale, and serve, but you’re not sure how or where? Please check out the list of ‘Opportunities to serve’ in the foyer and hall. We encourage you to serve.

Offering Envelopes

To assist in the regular giving to the Gospel Ministry of the church, envelopes for the months of October, November and December are available in the foyer. You may also give through electronic bank transfer.

Name Tags

To help us welcome newcomers and help us remember each others’ names & build relationships, please wear your name tag. If you don’t have one, please add your name to the list in the foyer or email the office, & one will be made for you.