
October 14

Morning Services

Rev Jordan Born will bring us God’s Word from Matthew 6, ‘What kind of worshipper are you’.

Chinese Service

Xien Yao will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us the message from Galatians 4, ‘Becoming a leper’.

We extend a warm welcome to Scott and Sarah Morrison, missionaries home from Thailand who will share at our Mission Spot.

Sunday School

Sunday School resumes today. Pray for the children and teachers as they recommence a new term.

Music Ministry Team

Meet today at 4 pm, DPC for a time of learning, practising, fellowship and encouragement. If you enjoy singing, playing a musical instrument or like to serve on the AV Desk, please speak to Arthur or Ro.

Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

The recent earthquake and tsunami have greatly impacted the local people including many Christians with devastating loss of lives, injuries and destruction of properties. Pray for healing and comfort, and also strength for the communities to endure in the midst of trauma and loss and to find access to basic necessities. If you would like to help financially, you may do so via the Wycliffe Australia earthquake and tsunami relief fund. The money will be sent to Kartidaya (Wycliffe Indonesia) who are working with relief teams set up by the GPID church and GKST church (Protestant Church of Central Sulawesi). The link is:

LinC Pantry

Items needed for the pantry: school snacks, coffee (not decaf), LL Milk (UHT), laundry powder, cling wrap, aluminum foil, jam, honey, sugar, tinned spaghetti, breakfast cereal, hand wash, tinned fish, quick meals. Thank you for your support of LinC.

Belgrave Heights Convention

Women’s Convention—Oct 20.
Speaker: Natalie Rosner
Songs of Praise—Oct 21.
Celebrating the centenary of the Belgrave Heights Convention.
See flyers in the foyer or visit

Operation Christmas Child

Reaching out to children with gift-filled boxes and the Good News of Jesus. Boxes & flyers are available in the foyer and hall. For details, speak to Chris.

Safe Church

2018 Refresher Training. All leaders and people working with children in the Church who have previously completed the Safe Church Basic Training and not as yet viewed the 2018 (10 minute) Refresher training video please do so via the following link Should you not have computer access to view, please contact our Safe Church Representative Ian.