Morning Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 31, ‘Family Tensions’.
Chinese Service
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this morning.
Evening Service
Rev Jordan Born will bring us the message from Ruth 2, ‘There is a Redeemer, Lessons in Ruth’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this evening.
Sunday School
Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays and will resume next Sunday, October 14.
Growing Families
Growing Families is on today after the 10.30 am service, meeting at Robyn & John’s home. Lunch will be provided followed by a short study. This will be our final study for the year, with a Christmas break up party later into Term 4. All families with children are welcome.
Assembly Opening Night
The Assembly commences tomorrow, October 8, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Scots’ Church. Rev John H Stasse (Minister of South Yarra) will be inducted as our new moderator. Please make the effort to attend this evening and join other Presbyterians in worship. For more details, visit:
Belgrave Heights Convention
Women’s Convention—Oct 20.
Speaker: Natalie Rosner
Songs of Praise—Oct 21.
Celebrating the centenary of the Belgrave Heights Convention.
See flyers in the foyer or visit
Operation Christmas Child
Reaching out to children with gift-filled boxes and the Good News of Jesus. More details and boxes will be available next Sunday, Oct 14.
Connect Groups
Recommence this week. If you are not in a group and wish to join one, please speak to Gerald.