Morning Service
Rev Jordan Born will bring us the message from Mark 2, ‘Feasting Sinners and Fasting Saints’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper this morning
Evening Service
We extend a warm welcome to Rev David Cook who is our guest preacher this evening. David is a retired Presbyterian Minister who divides his time between an itinerant, around-the-world preaching ministry and working as part-time pastoral assistant to the minister of the Chinese Presbyterian Church at Surry Hills, NSW. He has served as Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and was also the Principal of Sydney Missionary and Bible College for 25 years. David is a gifted preacher and teacher. Through Our Daily Bread Ministries, we are privileged to have David bring us God’s Word from John 12, ‘The Cross - The Key To Life’.
Sunday School
For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service.
Church/Sunday School Picnic: Sun March 24 @ 1 pm, Halliday Park. Please keep this date free.
Holiday Club
Our annual Holiday Club program which runs during the mid-year school holidays is well received by parents and children. It is a great opportunity to share the gospel with children. This year, the theme is ‘Roar! Life is Wild, God is Good’. To run this program, we need helpers, lots of helpers! We are having an Information session on Sunday March 17 at 12.30pm, Ministry Centre. Please come and check it out without any obligations! After the talk, if you are interested, we will be delighted to have you on board. So please keep this date free! For more details, please speak to Erlina or Kate.
Mission Action Council
AGM will be held on Wed March 13 @ 8 pm, Ministry Centre. All welcome!
Elders Meeting
Saturday March 16 @ 8 am.
Box Hill Outreach
When: Sat March 16, 10 am to 3 or 4 pm.
Where: Box Hill Central, near the ATMs.
Men’s Ministry
Calling Men of Donvale! Join us from Sat Mar 16—Sun Mar 17 for an overnight stay at Shoreham. We’ll have outdoor activities (weather permitting), watch movies, do bible study and more. Great time of learning and fellowship. Cost $25 per person. Rego closes on Sat March 9, so please sign up in the foyer today! For more info, please speak to Malcolm, Dirk or Scott.
Fellowship Bus outing
Wednesday March 20, departing DPC car park at 10 am and returning 3pm. Seniors, if you are interested, please place your name on the list in foyer. The limited places are fast filling up. Details? Contact Grenville
W2W Supper
Saturday March 23 @ 7.30 pm, DPC.
“An evening with Janelle and Joy ”
Please bring a plate to share.
Tuesday, 10 am to 11.30 am.
ESL Classes
Tuesday @ 7 pm.
Enquiries: Noelle
Youth Group
Friday @ 7.30 pm, DPC.
Prayer Meeting
Friday @7.15 am & 2 pm, Ministry Centre.
PTC Graduation & Commencement Ceremony
Friday March 22 @ 7pm, Werner Brodbeck Hall, 156 Collins Street Melbourne.
Guest speaker: Dr Stuart Piggin, Associate Professor from Macquarie University.
All welcome! Please RSVP by Friday March 8, if you plan on attending.
For more details, visit
Morning tea
We need help with the morning tea on Sunday April 21 Easter 9.30 am service, and on Sunday April 28, 10.30 am service. If you are able to help, please email the office.