Morning Service
Today we will be hear about ‘Faith and not Fear’ when Rev Gerald Vanderwert speaks from Mark’s gospel on Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead.
Evening Service
Rev Jordan Born will bring us the message from Philemon, ‘When Brothers Dwell in Unity’.
Do join us for supper following the evening service. Please bring a plate to share.
Sunday School
Today is the last week of Sunday School for Term 1. We will resume for Term 2 on Sunday the 28th of April.
Those Involved In Children’s Talks…
Please note there is a brief meeting today following the 10:30 am service.
Growing Families
We meet today at Robyn and John’s place after church for lunch and first study for the year continuing our Sacred Parenting series. Please come along and join us if you haven’t been before. We would love to see you.
Easter Services @ DPC
Good Friday Service April 19 @ 9.30 am.
Preacher: Rev Jordan Born
Easter Sunday Service April 21@ 9.30 am.
Preacher: Rev Gerald Vanderwert
Please note there is only one morning service on this Sunday and no evening service. You are encouraged to attend the Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. We meet for a picnic tea at 5 pm near the café at the auditorium, followed by the meeting at 7 pm. Sameh Maurice Tawfik, the Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church, the largest church in Egypt will be speaking on ‘Prayer and Faith’.
Daylight Savings
End on Sunday April 7. Please remember to turn your clock back by 1 hour before you go to bed on Saturday.
Easter Bake
Easter Biscuit Bake - 85,000 Biscuits are needed! Prison Fellowship will provide every Victorian inmate with 10 home-made biscuits, together with a card that explains the meaning of Easter. Details: Biscuits need to be home made (crisp), no nuts, sealed in disposable containers (ice cream containers are ideal), ingredients to be clearly listed on top of the container. Could you please drop them in the foyer by next Sunday 7th April? Details? See notice in foyer or contact Chris.
Offering Envelopes
To assist with regular giving to the gospel ministry of the church, envelopes for April, May & June are now available in the foyer.
Alternatively, you may give through direct deposit. Bank details are overleaf.
Can you help?
The Education Department (located at Heatherwood School, Donvale) which supports students who are blind or have low vision needs volunteers to assist with the production of materials. If you can help, please see Gerald.
Box Hill Kiosk/Outreach
An opportunity for outreach! Join this group from our church to distribute tracts and talk to people about Jesus.
When: April 13, 10 am to 3 or 4 pm.
Where: Box Hill Central, near the ATMs.
Please pray for this outreach. For more details, please speak to Leon