Good Friday Service - March 30
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from John 18, ‘What will you do with Jesus?’
Half of our Good Friday offering will go towards the support of missions world wide.
Easter Sunday Service - April 1
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 1 Corinthians 15, ‘If Christ wasn’t raised our faith is futile’.
Please note there is no evening service on Easter Sunday. You are encouraged to attend the meeting at Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. We meet for a picnic tea at 5 pm near the café at the auditorium followed by the meeting at 7 pm.
Chinese Easter Sunday Service @ 10.30 am
Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring God’s Word. Today we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Next Sunday April 8
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the evening service.
Lost Property
There are lots of lost and personal items near the piano in the hall. Could you please check and take what is yours? All items that are not claimed will be discarded in a couple of weeks.
Duty Roster
An opportunity to serve! Each Sunday there are helpers who serve morning tea and at the door to welcome congregants. If you would like to serve on the roster especially for the 8.30 am Door/Welcome (urgent need!), we would love to hear from you. Email the office or sign up in the foyer.
LinC Pantry
Items needed for the pantry:
Pasta Sauce, rice small packets, dish washing detergent, juice (not cordial), cooking oil, personal items for men and women, salt and pepper small.
Thank you for your support of those in need in the community.
In Recess
The Sunday School, Youth Group, ESL, Playgroup and Connect groups are inrecess for the school holidays.
New Movie
Paul, Apostle of Christ is now showing in Knox cinema. Check it out.
New Connect Group
Fortnightly Friday Afternoon Connect Group commencing 13th April, 2pm –3.30 pm.
Study topic: The Whole Christ by Dr Sinclair Ferguson (Ligonier)
8.30 am service—Philip
10.30 am service—Ian