Morning & Evening Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us the message from Luke 11, ‘The Midnight Caller’.
Chinese Service
Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring God’s Word.
Evening Service
Cares, concerns, worries and anxieties are real, even to a Christian. Worry has the potential to weaken your faith and steal your peace. If this is you, you are welcome to the preaching of God's Word at the evening service when Biju Mathew will share with us what Jesus has to say about worries in his message from Matthew 6, ‘No worries, Mate’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the evening service.
Sunday School
The Sunday School is in recess and will resume on Sunday April 22.
PNG Earthquake appeal
The recent 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent aftershocks in Papua New Guinea have resulted in more than a quarter of a million people in need of urgent assistance. The Mission Action Council had resolved to contribute money to help these poor people in need. We would be grateful for your contribution towards this need. Please place your love gift in an envelope marked ‘PNG appeal’. Thank you for your support.
Opportunity to serve
Music Ministry
Wanted—singers, musicians and help at AV Desk. If you would like to serve in this
ministry, please speak to Natalie or Arthur.
Duty Roster
Help needed especially for the 8.30 am Door/Welcome. Please sign up in the foyer or email the office. There is a list of opportunities to serve at DPC. Please take a copy from the hall or foyer.
LinC Pantry
Please note that LinC can only accept items that are still in the original packaging,
unopened, and also within the use by date.
Items currently needed for the pantry: savoury biscuits, milo, pasta sauce, fruit juice, laundry powder, shampoo & conditioner, hand wash, rice bubbles, toilet rolls and tomato sauce. Thank you.
Lost Property
There are lots of lost and personal items near the piano in the hall. Could you please check and take what is yours? All items that are not claimed will be given to the op shop soon.