
June 3

Morning Services

Rev. Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from  Ephesians 5 on “Pleasing God in Marriage” 

Chinese Service

Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring God’s Word. The Lord’s Supper will be served today.

Evening Service

Scott McNabb will bring the message from Daniel 3, “Resistance is Futile”

Sunday School

Sunday School runs  concurrently with the 10:30 am Service. Please note that there will be No Sunday School next Sunday, June 10.

Special Combined Service & Morning Tea - June 24 @ 10:30 am

A special combined service at 10.30am on Sunday June 24th will be held, followed by morning tea/brunch, to say farewell to Clinton, Kirsti and the children. This will be their last  Sunday with us, prior to taking up ministry in the Bundoora parish. We want to thank them for their years of ministry at DPC, and wish them every blessing in their new role at Bundoora. Please make every effort to attend, and bring a plate to share in this time together. We also hope to take a photo of the congregation following the morning service......something we haven’t done before. This is a special service, and we urge you to attend and be part of it. There will be no 8.30am service on that Sunday.

Opportunities at DPC

Would you like to server the Lord at Donvale? Ever considered serving in these areas?
Play group: We need Team leaders and help with morning tea. Contact Erlina
Music Ministry: Do you like to sing? Can you play a musical instrument? Would you like to help at the AV Desk? Contact: Arthur or Natalie, OR Check out the list of 'Opportunities to serve' in the foyer and fellowship hall.

Youth Group

Please note that there will be No Youth Group this Friday June 8 due to the long weekend. Youth Group will resume on Friday June 15. Any queries please see Clinton.

Connect Groups

If you interested in joining a group, a list of the groups can be found in the foyer. Any queries please see Clinton