Morning Services
Rev. Clinton Le Page will bring us God’s Word from Ephesians 6, 'Christians at work'.
Chinese Service
Rev Dr Felix Chung will bring God’s Word.
Evening Service
We welcome our guest preacher Rev Willem Vandenberg who will bring us the message
from Psalm 13, 'From sighing to singing'.
Sunday School
There is no Sunday School today in view of the long weekend. The following Sunday (17th of June) will be our last week of term. We finish a week earlier so that the teachers and
children can attend the combined service on the 24th of June to farewell the Le Page family.
Special Combined Service & Morning Tea - June 24 @ 10:30 am
To farewell Clinton, Kirsti and their children as this will be their last Sunday with us.
Following the service, we will be taking a congregation photo and also enjoy lunch together. Please bring a plate of finger food to share.
This is a special service, so please make every effort to attend.
There will be no 8.30 am service on that Sunday.
Next Sunday
Rev Chris Siriweera, the new PCV Ministry Development Officer (who encourages pastors and church revitalisation) will preach at our morning services.
LinC Pantry Needs
Current needs: Toilet Paper, Honey, Peanut butter, Vegemite, Tissues, Laundry Powder, Snacks, Tinned tomato, instant noodles, Tinned Vegetables eg peas and carrots.
Please place your donations in the LinC basket in the foyer. Thanks for your support of those in need.