Morning Service
Rev Dr Tony Bird will continue the sermon series on Mark. This morning he will speak on ‘The Feeding of 5000’ in Mark 6.
Janet van Leerdam will share with us the work of LinC and how you can share in this ministry.
Evening Service
Rev Jordan Born will continue the sermon series on Ezra & Nehemiah: ‘A call to worship’.
Join us after the evening service for supper. Please bring a plate to share.
Sunday School
Recommences today for Term 2. Please pray for the new term of learning God’s Word and making an impact in the children’s life. Pray for wisdom for the teachers.
10.30 am Sunday Services
Due to space limitations at our well-attended 10:30am service, the elders appeal to those who are able to attend our earlier 8:30am service, to please do so. We will keep this situation under review until the end of June 2019 when further changes may be required.
Youth Group
Recommences this Friday 3rd May for a Boys/Girls Night out. Questions? Speak to Scott, Robert or one of the youth leaders.
Young Adults
Murder Mystery Night on May 11. Stay tuned for more details!
Lord’s Supper
Next Sunday we will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the evening service.
Membership Classes
The elders encourage you to apply for church membership. Classes will commence on May 19. If you are interested, please fill up the Membership Form available in the foyer and return the completed form to the Membership Box. If you have any questions, please email Doug or Ben.
Connect Groups
Have recommenced. These groups meet to learn from the bible, pray together and care for one another. If you are not in a group and would like to join one, please take a leaflet from the foyer & speak to the Connect Group leader, or email the office.
Christians in the Public Service
Are you a Christian working in the Public Service? Would you like to join a network for encouragement in the faith and support in witnessing to your colleagues? Please contact Marty for more details.
Duty Roster
The new duty roster is out. Please take a copy from the foyer. Thank you to our team of faithful helpers, many of whom have served for many years. We need helpers for the 8.30 am & 10.30 am morning tea. If you are able to help, please email the office.