Good Friday Service
“Is God an Angry God?” - Rev Jordan Born will answer this question.
Easter Sunday Service @ 9.30 am
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us the Easter message, ‘What if Jesus is still dead’.
Please note there is no evening service this Easter Sunday.
You are encouraged to attend the meeting at Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. We meet for a picnic tea at 5 pm near the café at the auditorium, followed by the meeting at 7 pm.
10.30 am Sunday Services
Due to space limitations at our well-attended 10:30am service, the elders appeal to those who are able to attend our earlier 8:30am service, to please do so. We will keep this situation under review until the end of June 2019 when further changes may be required.
Sunday School
Recommence for Term 2 next Sunday April 28. Pray for the Sunday School.
Youth Group
Term 2– will be starting back on the 3rd May for a Boys/Girls Night out. More details are to come. Questions? Speak to Scott Martin, Robert Koh or one of the youth leaders.
Duty Roster
The new duty roster is out. Please take a copy from the foyer. Thank you to our team of faithful helpers, many of whom have served for many years. We need helpers for the 8.30 am & 10.30 am morning tea. If you are able to help, please email the office.
LinC Pantry
The following items are needed: Tinned fish, Laundry Powder, Cooking Oil, Breakfast cereal … for a complete list, kindly see the notice board. Thank you for your support.
Membership Classes
The elders encourage you to apply for church membership. Classes will commence on May 19. If you are interested, please fill up the Membership Form available in the foyer and return the completed form to the Membership Box. If you have any questions, please email Doug or Ben.
Christians in the Public Service
Are you a Christian working in the Public Service? Would you like to join a network for encouragement in the faith and support in witnessing to your colleagues? Please contact Marty for more details.
Are you interested in visiting Jordan, Israel and Spain?
Gerald is leading a tour from 6th May to 17th/27th May, 2020. Information Night with Steven Green from Olive Tree Travel is on Monday June 17 at DPC, 7.30 pm. Come along to learn more about the trip, without obligation. Flyers are available in the foyer. Interested? Speak to Gerald.