Morning services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Luke 16, ‘Sealing your destiny’.
Chinese service
Gerry Drew will continue the sermon series on the Gospel of Matthew.
Evening service
Rev Clinton Le Page will bring us the message from 2 Corinthians 7, ‘Loving the people we serve’.
Ministry Leaders' Meeting
Leaders, please meet at 12.30 pm, Ministry Centre today for the survey results.
Sunday School
Now in recess for the school holidays.
ESL Ministry
ESL Classes will finish this week 19th Sept for this term. Term 4 classes will recommence 10th Oct @ 7pm. It will be normal classes, and then a Christmas dinner celebration on the 5th Dec.
Those wishing to be involved next year as teachers or helpers, please contact Noelle.
Coins for Missions
This is administered by the APWM Committee. In recent months, they have distributed nearly $13,000 in emergency funds to some missionaries to meet needs not covered by their normal budgets such as replacing laptops, emergency dental needs, schooling needs, emergency medical evacuation.
If you would like to support them, in addition to the regular giving to the
Mission funds, please place your gift in the Coins for Missions box located in the church hall.
Supporting those in need in our community. Current needs are: laundry powder or liquid, cooking oil, pasta sauce, dish-washing liquid, cake mix, sweet biscuits, toilet rolls, sugar, tinned tomato, hand wash & personal hygiene items.