Morning Service
Today we will be hearing about ‘Superstition or Faith?’ when Rev Gerald Vanderwert speaks from Mark 5, on a woman who came in faith to Jesus.
We extend a warm welcome to Graham Davies who will share with us about the work of Gideons.
Evening Service
Pastor Craig Richardson will preach from Genesis 37, ‘Perception vs Reality’. Come and gain a wise heart by learning to discern the difference between perception and reality.
Sunday School
Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays.
Easter Services @ DPC
Good Friday Service April 19 @ 9.30 am.
Rev Jordan Born will answer the question “Is God an Angry God?”
Easter Sunday Service April 21@ 9.30 am.
Preacher: Rev Gerald Vanderwert
Title: “What if Jesus is Still Dead’
Please come at 9:20 am before both services for a time of praise in songs prior to the service.
Please note there is only one morning service on Easter Sunday and no evening service.
You are encouraged to attend the Belgrave Heights Easter Convention. We meet for a picnic tea at 5 pm near the café at the auditorium, followed by the meeting at 7 pm. Sameh Maurice Tawfik, the Senior Pastor of Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church, the largest church in Egypt will be speaking on ‘Prayer and Faith’.
In Recess
Connect Groups, Youth Group, Playgroup & ESL are in recess for the school holidays.
New Deacons
Session are pleased to welcome Annali and Kate into the role of Deacon. Please pray for them as they serve the church in this capacity.
Can you help?
The Education Department (located at Heatherwood School, Donvale) which supports students who are blind or have low vision needs volunteers to assist with the production of materials. If you can help, please see Gerald.
Membership Classes
Session are planning to hold membership classes end April through early May. If you are interested in attending, please contact one of the pastors or Doug / Ben.
LinC Pantry
Would you be able to assist LinC in stocking up their pantry with any or some of the following items? Tinned fish, tinned fruit, Pasta and Pasta sauce, Rice, Juice, Savoury & sweet Biscuits, School Snacks, Toilet Paper, Breakfast cereal, cooking Oil, Coffee (not decaf), Milo, Plain and Self raising Flour, Honey, Jam, Vegemite, tinned Fruit, Milo, tinned Tomatoes, tinned Vegetables, Quick meals, LL Milk, Shampoo and conditioner, Laundry Powder Sensitive and normal, Men and women's personal items, Dish Detergent, Hand Wash, Toothpaste, Tissues, Cling wrap, Alfoil, Tomato sauce, Cleaning products. Thank you for your support.