
April 14

Morning Service

Rev Dr Tony Bird will speak on the theme of faith and unbelief from Mark 6 verses 1 to 6, ’Humanity at its best and worst’.

Evening Service

Rev Jordan Born will be starting a sermon series on Ezra and Nehemiah.
Tonight he will answer the question “Who is God”?

Sunday School

Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays.

Easter Services @ DPC

Good Friday Service April 19 @ 9.30 am.

Rev Jordan Born will answer the question “Is God an Angry God?”

Easter Sunday Service April 21@ 9.30 am.

Have you ever thought—‘What if Jesus is Still Dead’ ? Come and listen to the preaching of the cross this Easter Sunday. Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us the message.

Do take this opportunity to  invite your family and friends to join us for the Easter Services.

Please come at 9:20 am for a time of praise in songs prior to both the  services.

Kindly note that there is only one morning service on Easter Sunday and no evening service.

Safe Church Advanced Training

In Recess

Connect Groups, Youth Group, Playgroup & ESL are in recess for the school holidays.

Duty Roster

We need helpers for the 8.30 am morning tea. If you are able to help, please email the office.

New Deacons

Session are pleased to welcome Annali and Kate into the role of Deacon. Please pray for them as they serve the church in this capacity.

Membership Classes

The elders are planning to hold membership classes end April through early May. If you are interested in attending, please contact one of the pastors, Doug or Ben.

Can you help?

The Education Department (located at Heatherwood School, Donvale) which supports students who are blind or have low vision needs volunteers to assist with the production of materials. If you can help, please see Gerald.

Membership Classes

Session are planning to hold membership classes end April through early May. If you are interested in attending, please contact one of the pastors or Doug / Ben.

Study Tour to Israel

Gerald is leading a study tour to Israel with an optional extension to Spain from 6th May to 17th/27 May 2020. There will be an Information Night with Steven from Olive Tree Travel on Monday June 17 at DPC, 7.30 pm. Come along to learn more about the trip, without obligation and have your questions answered. Flyers are available in the foyer, help yourself. Have a chat with Gerald if you are interested.