
December 2

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from John 13, ‘Love...sometimes an emotion, but always an action’.

We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this morning.

At the 10.30 am service, we will ordain and induct into the eldership, Daniel and John. Please pray for them as they join the eldership team. 

Chinese Service

Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word this morning. We will celebrate the Lord’s supper.

Evening Service

Rev Jordan Born will preach on John 10, ‘Following the Shepherd: Jesus' I Am Sayings’.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service. We’re having our Sunday School service on Dec 16. The children will be dressed in their ‘Christmas best’.
We invite the congregation to do likewise.

Christmas Events @ DPC

Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23

Come early at 6 pm for free sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting… A fun family evening.

Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am

Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!

INVITATION CARDS AVAILABLE IN THE HALL! We need volunteers to hand them out in your streets if you are living in the Manningham area. Please take enough for your street and plan to hand them out next week. Thanks!

Alexandra Gardens Carol Service

Saturday December 8 @ 4 pm, Alexandra Gardens Nursing Home, corner Springvale & Old Warrandyte Roads. All welcome! Singers are needed. Please speak to Bert.

Please note these dates!

  • Sunday Dec 23

    • Combined morning service at 9.30 am.

    • Christmas Carols at 7.45 pm, sausage sizzle starts at 6 pm.

    • No evening service.

  • Christmas Day Tuesday Dec 25

    • One service at 9.30 am.

  • Sunday Dec 30

    • Combined morning service at 9.30 am.

    • No evening service.

  • Sunday Jan 6 to Jan 27, 2019

    • Combined morning service at 9.30 am.

    • Evening service at 6.30 pm.

From Sunday Feb 3, all services are back to normal, that is, 8.30 am, 10.30 am and 6.30 pm.

What’s right for me? Workshop

(for High School to Young Adults)

Subjects! Courses! Jobs! How do I choose? Am I making the right choices? Come along to a workshop on Sunday 16th December, 2-3:30pm in the Ministry Centre. We will look at what God says about this and learn practical ways that help you make these decisions. Contact Rowena for more information or to register your interest.


Items needed: sugar, honey, juice, pasta sauce, long life milk full cream, shampoo, toilet paper, tinned vegetables (eg pea/carrot, carrots, not corn) single toothbrushes.

Cash donation is also appreciated for their Christmas appeal. Place in an envelope marked “LinC Christmas” and put in the offering plates.

Prayer Meeting

Saturday at 7 am, Ministry Centre. 

Box Hill Kiosk

Join a small group from our church to staff the Kiosk in Box Hill Central (near the ATMs) on Saturday December 8, from 10 am to about 3 or 4 pm.

Angel Tree

Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program provides gifts to children on behalf of their imprisoned parent. Donations of gifts (around $30 value) suitable for children aged 10-16 years, will be distributed at the prison’s Christmas parties or delivered to the child’s home. We require gifts for every age.
Thank you for remembering the children of prisoners this Christmas. Could you please bring the gifts to church by next Sunday 9th December and place them in the box in the foyer. 

November 25

Morning Services

Rev Jordan Born will preach on John 8, ‘Out of the Darkness: Jesus' I AM sayings’.

Chinese Service

Pastor Tao Li will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us God’s Word from Galatians 5, ‘True Freedom’.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service.

Growing Families Christmas Party

at 1pm, Halliday Park, Mitcham. Food, games and family fun to be had! RSVP to Emily

DPC Christmas Dinner

This Saturday 1 December 2018

Come at 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start.

TODAY is the last Sunday to get the tickets for the Christmas dinner.

Get your tickets today from Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).

Elders Induction

Next Sunday December 2, we will ordain and induct into the eldership, Daniel and John. We look forward to this wonderful occasion in the life of our church. Please pray for Daniel & John as they make their promises and join the eldership team.

Open night with Rosie...

“Media to Movements”
This Wednesday November 28,
from 7.30  pm to 9.00pm @ DPC.
Please bring a small plate to share.

Christmas Events @ DPC

Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23

Join us for our Carols Evening at 7.45 pm. Come early at 6 pm for free
sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting …

Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am

Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!

Combined Morning Services @ 9.30 am ...

from Sunday December 23, 2018 to Sunday January 27, 2019.

No Evening Service ...

on Sunday Dec 23 & Dec 30.

Donvale Youth Formal

Friday November 30, from 7 pm to 9.30 pm at DPC. Cost: $12. Dress code: formal.
Friends are more than welcome! Please email Craig with details and any other questions.

Box Hill Kiosk

Join a small group from our church to staff the Kiosk in Box Hill Central (near the ATMs) on Saturday December 8, from 10 am to about 3 or 4 pm.

Can you help?

The Carpenter family is moving & they need help to pack, relocate and clean up. They are seeking a couple of friends to help:  
When - first 2 weeks Jan 2019      
Where - Nhulunbuy NT      
Accommodation available.    
If you can help, please contact the office.

What’s right for me? Workshop

(for High School to Young Adults)

Subjects! Courses! Jobs! How do I choose? Am I making the right choices? Come along to a workshop on Sunday 16th December, 2-3:30pm in the Ministry Centre. We will look at what God says about this and learn practical ways that help you make these decisions. Contact Rowena for more information or to register your interest. 

Lord’s Supper

We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper next Sunday at the morning and Chinese services.

Beach Missions

Portarlington SUFM, running Dec 27-Jan 4 and Jan 4-11. If you are interested or would like some more info please speak to Scott or Ellen.

Angel Tree

An initiative by Prison Fellowship that provides gifts to children on behalf of their imprisoned parent. If you could donate gifts suitable for children aged 10-16 years that would be appreciated. Please bring your gifts to church by Sunday December 9 and place them in the box in the foyer. For more details, please see the notice board.

November 18

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will preach on Genesis 34, ‘Rape, Repayment & Retaliation’.

10.30 am service: We warmly welcome family and friends of Tim and Yolanda who are here to witness the baptism of their children, Ana and Eliora.

Chinese Service

Gerry Drew will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us God’s Word from Galatians 5, ‘Hungry for Honor’.

We extend a warm welcome to family and friends of Biju and Anita who are here for the baptism of their son, Jonathan. Please stay for supper after the service.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service.

Debt Reduction Sunday

Our current building loan for the Ministry Centre works is about $228 000 with a monthly repayment of about $8800. The Board asks that you prayerfully consider making a donation (in addition to your normal giving) to help reduce this loan quicker so that it will free up capacity to undertake other work or activities that may arise. Your gift can be made electronically to DPC’s No 1 bank account (BSB: 033 389 Account No: 255191) marked ‘Debt Reduction’ or by using the marked envelopes provided last week. More envelopes are available in the foyer. 

Christmas Events @ DPC

Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23

Join us for our Carols Evening at 7.45 pm. Come early at 6 pm for free
sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting …

Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am

Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!

Growing Families

Christmas Party: November 25 at 1pm

Halliday Park, Mitcham. Food, games and family fun to be had! RSVP to Emily.

Open night with Rosie...

“Media to Movements”
Wednesday November 28,
from 7.30pm to 9.00pm @ DPC.
Please bring a small plate to share. Thanks!

DPC Christmas Dinner

Saturday 1 December 2018

Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. 2 course meal. Cost: Adults $16, Seniors & students $13, family of 2 adults and 2 primary school aged children $45. Extra children - $8 each, kids under 5 years, free.

Limited places! Tickets available today.

See Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).

Box Hill Kiosk/Outreach

Join a small group from our church to distribute tracts and talk to people about Jesus in Box Hill Central (near the ATMs) on Saturday December 8, from 10 am to about 3 or 4 pm.

Please pray for this outreach.

Board of Management

Wednesday November 21 at 7.30 pm.

Seniors Luncheon

Thursday November 22 at 12 noon in the  church hall. Seniors welcome! Cost: $10. Please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.

Youth Group

Join us this Friday November 23 at 7.30 pm for fellowship and a study on ‘Talking to God’. Grade 6s, you are welcome to join us.

Prayer Meeting

Saturday Nov 24 at 7 am, Ministry Centre.

 LinC Christmas Appeal

Due to logistics difficulty, this Christmas LinC is asking for cash donations which will be used to buy supermarket gift cards for the needy families instead of giving out hampers. If you would like to donate to LinC, please place your gift in an envelope marked “LinC Christmas” and place in the offering plates.

LinC Pantry

Pantry items needed: Tinned fish, breakfast cereal, school snacks, honey, jam (not marmalade), juice, oil, UHT full cream milk, pasta sauce, biscuits sweet and savoury, hand wash, shampoo and conditioner, men and ladies deodorants, tissues.

Can you help?

The Carpenter family is moving & they need help to pack, relocate and clean up. They are seeking a couple of friends to help:  
When - first 2 weeks Jan 2019      
Where - Nhulunbuy NT      
Accommodation available.    
If you can help, please contact the office.

November 11


Today is Remembrance Sunday, a day to commemorate the contributions of our servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts. Today we especially remember the centenary of the armistice that ended the first World War. We thank God for the brave men and women who valiantly fought for our nation and their enduring legacy of sacrifice for our freedom. 

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 33 & 34, ‘A foot in both camps?

We warmly welcome Rosie Timmins who will share with us at our Mission Spot.

Chinese Service

Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Rev Jordan Born will preach on Ruth 4, ‘A Genealogy that Matters: Lessons in Ruth’.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service at the Ministry Centre. Enquiries? Please speak to Liz.

Debt Reduction Sunday

 18 November 2018

Our current PCV loan stood at $227,586.87 as at 30 September 2018, this amount is what is owed for the Ministry Centre works. The monthly repayments are $8,759 and so the Board is asking you to prayerfully consider making a donation to help reduce the loan quicker than budgeted. This will free up capacity to undertake other work or activities that may arise.
Donations can be made electronically to DPC’s No 1 bank account (BSB: 033 389 Account No: 255191) marked ‘Debt Reduction’ or by using the envelopes provided on 18 November.

Christmas Events @ DPC

Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23

Join us for our Carols Evening at 7.45 pm. Come early at 6 pm for free
sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting …

Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am

Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!

Prayer Meeting

This Friday Nov 16 at 7.15 am & 2 pm. This will be the last Friday prayer meeting for the year.

Youth Group

Join us this Friday November 16 at 7.30 pm for fellowship and a study on ‘Listening to God’.

Grade 6s, you are very welcome to join the Youth Group this term.

Christmas Dinner

Saturday 1 December 2018

Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. 2 course meal. Cost: Adults $16, Seniors & students $13, family of 2 adults and 2 primary school aged children $45. Extra children - $8 each, kids under 5 years, free.

Limited places! Tickets available today.

See Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).

Can you help?

The Carpenter family is moving & they need help to pack, relocate and clean up. They are seeking a couple of friends to help:  
When - first 2 weeks Jan 2019      
Where - Nhulunbuy NT      
Accommodation available.    
If you can help, please contact the office.

LinC Christmas Appeal

“The LinC Pantry has had to move upstairs due to renovations work at Pathway Church. Christmas cakes etc are popular but they are heavy. Carrying these upstairs for packing and downstairs for our clients is hard work. So we hope you could give a monetary gift to LinC this Christmas, and we will distribute Woolworths gift cards for our clients to buy their own Christmas food.”

If you would like to donate to LinC, please place your gift in an envelope marked “LinC Christmas” and place this in the offering plates over the next few Sundays.

LinC Pantry

Pantry items needed: Tinned fish, breakfast cereal, school snacks, honey, jam (not marmalade), juice, oil, UHT full cream milk, pasta sauce, biscuits sweet and savoury, hand wash, shampoo and conditioner, men and ladies deodorants, tissues.


The Engage Leaders Conference will be held on 25th-28th January 2019 at Belgrave Heights Convention Centre and Dr Peter Adam (St Jude's Anglican Church Melbourne) will be speaking on Exodus on the theme of "Deliverance". 

Please visit the website for more information:

November 4

Morning Services

Rev Jordan Born will bring us God’s Word from John 6, ‘Who Is: I AM: Exploring Jesus' I am Sayings’.

Chinese Service

Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word this morning.

We will celebrate the Lord’s supper.

Evening Service

Robert Koh will bring us the message from John 6, ‘Satisfied forever’.

Sunday School

There is no Sunday School today due to the long weekend.

Debt Reduction Sunday

 18 November 2018

Our current PCV loan stood at $227,586.87 as at 30 September 2018, this amount is what is owed for the Ministry Centre works. The monthly repayments are $8,759 and so the Board is asking you to prayerfully consider making a donation to help reduce the loan quicker than budgeted. This will free up capacity to undertake other work or activities that may arise.
Donations can be made electronically to DPC’s No 1 bank account (BSB: 033 389 Account No: 255191) marked ‘Debt Reduction’ or by using the envelopes provided on 18 November.

Youth Group

Join us this Friday November 9 at 7.30 pm for a Pool Party at the home of Scott and Isobel. We rejoice with Laura and Natalie who will be baptised. May they grow in knowledge and grace of our Lord. Grade 6s, you are very welcome to join the Youth Group this term. 

Operation Christmas Child

Thank you to all who participated in Operation Christmas Child. Your gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus. Any late boxes can be dropped into the church or rear of Mitcham Baptist Church, 8-12 Simla Street, Mitcham VIC 3132.

Pray for the safe arrival of the boxes to the children who will receive them, that they will have hope and know God's love in their lives. 

Questions? Please speak to Chris.

Elders’ Meeting

Saturday November 10 @ 8 am.

Prayer Meeting

Saturday November 10 @ 7 am.

Christmas Dinner

Saturday 1 December 2018

Time: 6:30pm for a 7:00pm start. 2 course meal. Cost: Adults $16, Seniors & students $13, family of 2 adults and 2 primary school aged children $45. Extra children - $8 each, kids under 5 years, free.

Limited places! Tickets available today.

See Michalina or Iain (8.30am), Natalie (10.30am) or Christa (6.30 pm).

Growing Families

Christmas Party

SAVE THE DATE—Sunday November 25th. Growing Families Christmas Party. Details to follow.

Belgrave Heights

  • Seniors Convention—16-18 Nov 2018
    Psalms for Seniors.
    Speaker: David Cook.

  • Summer Convention—Fri 28 Dec 2018— Tues 1 Jan 2019
    Journey Outward, Journey Forward
    Flyers are available in the foyer.


Pray for students facing exams in the coming weeks; for them to work hard as to the Lord and to trust Him.

Uphold our missionaries, serving here and overseas. Pray for encouragement, good health and  the Lord’s protection and provision in their lives.

October 28

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 32, ‘Wrestling with God’.

Chinese Service

Pastor Paul Li Tao will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Rev Jordan Born will bring us the message from Ruth 3, ‘Rest for the Restless Soul’.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service at the Ministry Centre. There will be no Sunday School next Sunday due to the long weekend.

Prayer Meeting for State Elections 

We are planning to come together this Wednesday, 31st October at 7.30 pm for an hour at the church to pray for election of godly leaders and government in our state. Please join us to pray.

Operation Christmas Child

Every Christmas shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus. Boxes & flyers are available in the foyer and hall. Please return the boxes by next
Sunday November 4
. For details, speak to Chris. Pray for this outreach

Youth Group

There is no Youth Group this Friday due to the long weekend.

Elders’ Meeting

Saturday November 10 @ 8 am.

Christmas Dinner

Save the Date—December 1

OM Australia

Presents—What you were made for. A free event to challenge your ideas of reaching
others with the gospel… this Tuesday October 30, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm at Crossway. Get a promo card from the foyer for details.

State Election Volunteers

Our state election is on Saturday Nov 24. Australian Christian Lobby (a grassroot movement of over 110 000 people seeking to bring Christian influence to Australian politics) is calling for 1000 volunteers. If you can help, please email ACL,

Book Launch

You are invited to join Morag Zwartz for the launch of her book Being Sam TODAY @ 2.30 pm, The Ballroom, Armagh, 226 Kooyong Road, Toorak. See the notice board for more details.

Growing Families

SAVE THE DATE—Sunday November 25th. Growing Families Christmas Party. Details to follow.

Belgrave Heights

Seniors Convention—16-18 Nov 2018

Psalms for Seniors. Speaker: David Cook. Flyers are available in the foyer.

October 21

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 32 & 33, ‘Reconciling Relationships’.

Chinese Service

Pastor Xi Rui Chen will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us the message from Galatians 5, ‘Freed by Hope’.

Sunday School

For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service at the Ministry Centre. Enquiries? Please speak to Liz.

Safe Church

2018 Refresher Training. All leaders and people working with children in the Church who have previously completed the Safe Church Basic Training and not as yet viewed the 2018 (10 minute) Refresher training video please do so via the following link Should you not have computer access to view, please contact our Safe Church Representative Ian.

Opportunity to serve

Church Lawn Mowing
We are in need of people to help out on the church lawn mowing roster. If you can help out, please contact Ian.

Morning tea
We need helpers to serve morning tea after the morning services. If you can help, please email the office.

Looking for a job?

CMS Victoria, a mission organisation has an opening for a maternity cover for Partnership & Fundraising Co-ordinator. For more information please visit or speak to Rebekah.

LinC Pantry

Items needed for the pantry: coffee, sugar, tinned fruit, small weetbix, hand wash, tinned fish, tissues & juice. Thank you for your support of LinC.

Operation Christmas Child

Every Christmas shoebox gift is an opportunity to touch a child’s heart and share the love of Jesus. Boxes & flyers are available in the foyer and hall. For details, speak to Chris.

October 14

Morning Services

Rev Jordan Born will bring us God’s Word from Matthew 6, ‘What kind of worshipper are you’.

Chinese Service

Xien Yao will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will bring us the message from Galatians 4, ‘Becoming a leper’.

We extend a warm welcome to Scott and Sarah Morrison, missionaries home from Thailand who will share at our Mission Spot.

Sunday School

Sunday School resumes today. Pray for the children and teachers as they recommence a new term.

Music Ministry Team

Meet today at 4 pm, DPC for a time of learning, practising, fellowship and encouragement. If you enjoy singing, playing a musical instrument or like to serve on the AV Desk, please speak to Arthur or Ro.

Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

The recent earthquake and tsunami have greatly impacted the local people including many Christians with devastating loss of lives, injuries and destruction of properties. Pray for healing and comfort, and also strength for the communities to endure in the midst of trauma and loss and to find access to basic necessities. If you would like to help financially, you may do so via the Wycliffe Australia earthquake and tsunami relief fund. The money will be sent to Kartidaya (Wycliffe Indonesia) who are working with relief teams set up by the GPID church and GKST church (Protestant Church of Central Sulawesi). The link is:

LinC Pantry

Items needed for the pantry: school snacks, coffee (not decaf), LL Milk (UHT), laundry powder, cling wrap, aluminum foil, jam, honey, sugar, tinned spaghetti, breakfast cereal, hand wash, tinned fish, quick meals. Thank you for your support of LinC.

Belgrave Heights Convention

Women’s Convention—Oct 20.
Speaker: Natalie Rosner
Songs of Praise—Oct 21.
Celebrating the centenary of the Belgrave Heights Convention.
See flyers in the foyer or visit

Operation Christmas Child

Reaching out to children with gift-filled boxes and the Good News of Jesus. Boxes & flyers are available in the foyer and hall. For details, speak to Chris.

Safe Church

2018 Refresher Training. All leaders and people working with children in the Church who have previously completed the Safe Church Basic Training and not as yet viewed the 2018 (10 minute) Refresher training video please do so via the following link Should you not have computer access to view, please contact our Safe Church Representative Ian.

October 7

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 31, ‘Family Tensions’.

Chinese Service

We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this morning.

Evening Service

Rev Jordan Born will bring us the message from Ruth 2, ‘There is a Redeemer, Lessons in Ruth’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this evening.

Sunday School

Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays and will resume next Sunday, October 14.

Growing Families

Growing Families is on today after the 10.30 am service, meeting at Robyn & John’s home. Lunch will be provided followed by a short study. This will be our final study for the year, with a Christmas break up party later into Term 4. All families with children are welcome.

Assembly Opening Night

The Assembly commences tomorrow, October 8, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Scots’ Church. Rev John H Stasse (Minister of South Yarra) will be inducted as our new moderator. Please make the effort to attend this evening and join other Presbyterians in worship. For more details, visit:

Belgrave Heights Convention

Women’s Convention—Oct 20.
Speaker: Natalie Rosner
Songs of Praise—Oct 21.
Celebrating the centenary of the Belgrave Heights Convention.
See flyers in the foyer or visit

Operation Christmas Child

Reaching out to children with gift-filled boxes and the Good News of Jesus. More details and boxes will be available next Sunday, Oct 14.

Connect Groups

Recommence this week. If you are not in a group and wish to join one, please speak to Gerald.

September 30

Morning Services

Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from Genesis 30 & 31, “It’s time to move on”.

Mission Spot—We extend a warm welcome to Matt and Kate who will share with us their plans to serve in Groote Eylandt Island with Church Missionary Society.

Chinese Service

Xien Yao will bring God’s Word this morning.

Evening Service

Pastor Craig Richardson will preach on Galatians 4, “Hope for the shamed”.

Sunday Night After Church (SNAC) - Join us following the evening service for a meal or drink at La Porchetta in Tunstall Square.

Sunday School

Sunday School is now in recess for the school holidays and will resume on October 14.

Men’s Ministry

We meet today after the 10.30 am service to finalise our overnight 4WD trip details to Tolmie (October 13-14). If you are interested to join us, please sign up in the foyer and attend the meeting today. Questions? Please speak to Malcolm, Dirk or Scott.

Lord’s Supper

Next Sunday October 7, we will celebrate the Lord’s supper at the evening service and Chinese service.

Membership Classes

What is church membership? Why take it up? How to apply? To find out more, take a copy of the Membership Form from the foyer or hall. Membership Classes are held on all Sundays in October from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm. Light lunch will be served. Interested? Please speak to Biju, Iain or one of the pastors.

Daylight Saving

Starts next Sunday October 7. Remember to turn your clock forward by 1 hour before you go to bed on Saturday.

Offering Envelopes

To assist in the regular giving to the gospel ministry of the church, envelopes for the months of October, November & December are available in the church foyer. Please take a set.