Morning Services
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will bring us God’s Word from John 13, ‘Love...sometimes an emotion, but always an action’.
We will celebrate the Lord’s supper this morning.
At the 10.30 am service, we will ordain and induct into the eldership, Daniel and John. Please pray for them as they join the eldership team.
Chinese Service
Rev Tamloy Lai will bring God’s Word this morning. We will celebrate the Lord’s supper.
Evening Service
Rev Jordan Born will preach on John 10, ‘Following the Shepherd: Jesus' I Am Sayings’.
Sunday School
For all primary aged children, and runs concurrently with the 10.30 am service. We’re having our Sunday School service on Dec 16. The children will be dressed in their ‘Christmas best’.
We invite the congregation to do likewise.
Christmas Events @ DPC
Christmas Carols on Sunday December 23
Come early at 6 pm for free sausage sizzle, jumping castle, face painting… A fun family evening.
Christmas Day Service on Tuesday December 25 @ 9.30 am
Plan to invite your family and friends to our Christmas celebrations!
INVITATION CARDS AVAILABLE IN THE HALL! We need volunteers to hand them out in your streets if you are living in the Manningham area. Please take enough for your street and plan to hand them out next week. Thanks!
Alexandra Gardens Carol Service
Saturday December 8 @ 4 pm, Alexandra Gardens Nursing Home, corner Springvale & Old Warrandyte Roads. All welcome! Singers are needed. Please speak to Bert.
Please note these dates!
Sunday Dec 23
Combined morning service at 9.30 am.
Christmas Carols at 7.45 pm, sausage sizzle starts at 6 pm.
No evening service.
Christmas Day Tuesday Dec 25
One service at 9.30 am.
Sunday Dec 30
Combined morning service at 9.30 am.
No evening service.
Sunday Jan 6 to Jan 27, 2019
Combined morning service at 9.30 am.
Evening service at 6.30 pm.
From Sunday Feb 3, all services are back to normal, that is, 8.30 am, 10.30 am and 6.30 pm.
What’s right for me? Workshop
(for High School to Young Adults)
Subjects! Courses! Jobs! How do I choose? Am I making the right choices? Come along to a workshop on Sunday 16th December, 2-3:30pm in the Ministry Centre. We will look at what God says about this and learn practical ways that help you make these decisions. Contact Rowena for more information or to register your interest.
Items needed: sugar, honey, juice, pasta sauce, long life milk full cream, shampoo, toilet paper, tinned vegetables (eg pea/carrot, carrots, not corn) single toothbrushes.
Cash donation is also appreciated for their Christmas appeal. Place in an envelope marked “LinC Christmas” and put in the offering plates.
Prayer Meeting
Saturday at 7 am, Ministry Centre.
Box Hill Kiosk
Join a small group from our church to staff the Kiosk in Box Hill Central (near the ATMs) on Saturday December 8, from 10 am to about 3 or 4 pm.
Angel Tree
Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree program provides gifts to children on behalf of their imprisoned parent. Donations of gifts (around $30 value) suitable for children aged 10-16 years, will be distributed at the prison’s Christmas parties or delivered to the child’s home. We require gifts for every age.
Thank you for remembering the children of prisoners this Christmas. Could you please bring the gifts to church by next Sunday 9th December and place them in the box in the foyer.