Morning Service
Rev Gerald Vanderwert will continue the sermon series on Mark. This morning he will speak on ‘When the Conscience Dies’ in Mark 6.
The Carpenters will share with us during the Mission Spot.
Evening Service
Robert Koh will speak from Acts 20:17-38: "How to keep going when your heroes move on".
We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
Sunday School
Sunday School today running concurrently with the 10:30 am service. Parents, please make sure that you sign your children in beforehand.
Holiday Club
Meeting today at 12.30pm at Ministry Centre for Holiday Club-Drama Team.
Training Day for all volunteers on Sunday, 26 May 2019, at 12.30pm. Bring and share for lunch. Note : We are still seeking more helpers for decorating.
10.30 am Sunday Services
Due to space limitations at our well-attended 10:30am service, the elders appeal to those who are able to attend our earlier 8:30am service, to please do so. We will keep this situation under review until the end of June 2019 when further changes may be required.
Young Adults
Join us for a murder mystery at the Born’s house on May 11th at 7:00 PM. Contact Jordan to register your interest.
Membership Classes
The elders encourage you to apply for church membership. Classes will commence on May 19. If you are interested, please fill up the Membership Form available in the foyer and return the completed form to the Membership Box. If you have any questions, please email Doug or Ben.
We need Breakfast cereal, Savoury & sweet Biscuits, School Snacks, Rice, Pasta Sauce, Long Life Milk, Honey, Jam, Vegemite, Tinned fish, Tinned Fruit, cooking Oil, Coffee, Juice, Tinned Vegetables, Laundry Powder, Toilet Paper, Toothpaste, Flour, Milo, tinned Tomatoes, Tissues, Quick meals, Cling wrap, Spaghetti, Soap, Quick Meals, Deodorant.
Duty Roster
We need helpers for the 8.30 am & 10.30 am morning tea. If you are able to help, email the office.